Sin consciousness produced defeat and false sense of humility, it attempt to humble by defrauding himself or punching himself back.
"For the law having a shadow of good things to Come, and not the very image of the things. Can never with those sacrifices which are offered year by year continually make the comers thereof perfect"(Hebrew 10:1) under the levitical law, an animal must be offered every 12 mouths to atone for the sin of the people, the atonement means " to cover" actually this word is not found in Greek new testament, when it refer to Jesus sacrifice.
The word will translate as atonement really mean to "remit" to do away with sin, those sacrifices only cover sin for a year, but Jesus sacrifice didn't cover your sin it remit your sin. It plug it out and take it out the way. Meaning you don't still have any sin on your account.
Sin consciousness only cause us to center on ourselves, if you ask most Christians are you righteous? they will tell you me? No! They are trying to be humble, they are speaking from the way they feel. And this type of sin consciousness have cause us to center on ourselves and preach sin. Actually will has preach a form of condemnation on ourselves, and Romans8.1 says "there is no condemnation to then that are in Christ Jesus" we have carried a "sin tags" with us which are stumbling blocks in growth of a Christian.
Almost everybody in the body of Christ is familiar with scriptures like: "for all have sin and come short of the glory of God" (Roman3:23) "for there is none righteous no not one" (Roman3:10). They take this two verse out and preach it, will only being aware of what will have being out of. But have no idea of what will were born into.
I sincerely believe that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies, and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity under the name of funding, is but swinding futurity on a large scale"..... Thomas Jefferson The average American househood with credit card carries more than $15,000 in credit card debt, according to Latest post: what to do if behind with rent Add to that &1.2 trillion (and growing) in student loan debt, sprinkled in car loans, and medical debt, and we've got ourselves an issues. But in most cases those 15.000 thousand dollars was borrowed simply for consumption. A vacation, jewelry,or be shoes, and even for emergency funds for things you simply don't have the cash to cover. And all these are bad debts because it doesn't make you richer instead poorer. But on the other hand is good debt, debt that puts money in your pocket each month. It makes you richer. It is used to purchase things like investing in ...
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