Jesus said "the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light" (luke16:18) they are not wiser in eternity but seems to be wiser in the time which we lives. How true is this statement.
Today in our Mist's there are cult's which have invoke the law of faith. They have forcefully move into the faith realm. Using the power of the lower sphere for material benefits.
These metaphysical cults operate under various name's such as. Coueism, new thought, truth and the Rosicrucianism. Through taking advantage of the power of the mind are able to accomplished certain mental cures and financial success.
Yet the lord Jesus Christ has offered the church what this cults can't offer and a thousand time more. But why Satan permit is followers to teach their followers that they can have an abundance of material things-health, happiness and prosperity.
He has deceived Christian's into believing the right opposite. That God make them sick, that they must suffer diseases for his glory, and that they must go through life in grinning poverty.
Jesus Christ not only has promised life more abundantly in this time. But in the world to come, life everlasting. He has get men to believed that God controls everything that happened to us. That nothing can happened but what God wills or allow.
Which is not what the scriptures teach at all 2peter3:9 said, "the lord is....not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." This personally mean that it is not the will of God that any should perish, but people are perishing. Relatively few are save compare to that which is lost.
James 4:7 says "submit yourselves therefore to God Resist the devil, and he will flesh from you" this verse makes it clear that some things are from God, and some from the devil, we must summit to the things that are of God and resists the things that of the devil.
If a person really believed that God is the one who put sickness on them because, he is trying to work something for good in their life, then they shouldn't have to to the doctor or take any pill. Going to a doctor or taking any medicine should be resisting God's plan. They should let the sickness run it's full course on them. Thereby getting the full benefits of God's correction. Of course no one advocates that.
The great harm the devil can do to any person is to get you believe that God is against you. "Act 10:38 says That Jesus healed all those who were oppressed of the Devil. It wasn't God who oppressed anybody with sickness and all those evil stuff. It's the devil. Its the same today sickness is from the devil. Not from God. We need to resist sickness and by faith summit ourselves to the healing power of God.
It is important to know that God loves you. And has Good in mind for you. A wrong picture has been planted for thousand of years. All over the world, confused and misguided people have offered up sacrifices trying to please one " Angly God" even today it's may surprise you to discover that people are still doing things trying to turn what they think is God's anger from them.
People talk as if the God will served is angry and vengeful. They speak as if there problem is God. If anything happened to them they are sure God is thumping them on the head because they got out of line; or he is giving them headache in there life to teach them something. But all that are far from the truth.
"His divine power hath given unto us all things that pertains unto life and Godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue" (2peter1:3)
God said all things that pertain unto life and Godliness. Did you know that includes healing, joy, deliverance, prosperity, and anything Good you can "imagine that result from our redemption! These all things that pertain to life and Godliness " come through "the knowledge of him" if you have wrong knowledge about God you are not going to receive the all things.
If only people look at the word and discover the Goodnews, they would have a right perspective of God. Everything we received from God we receive by faith. And nothing is more faith building than discovering and knowing that our heavenly father is a love God.
"Whosoever confesses that Jesus is the son of God, God abides in him. And he in God. And we have come to know and have believed the love which God have for us. God his love, and the one who abides in love abides in God" (1john4:15-16) we need to believe it. To believe means "to have firm faith in something; to accept it as true genuine or real. To have an unshakable conviction of his Goodness. Has Christians we should have more than a mental understanding that God loves us. We should be firmly grounded in that love. We should know that God is more willing to keep us safe in any situation.
An here to tell you that the more you get to know the Goodness of God. The easier it is for you to receive all the good thing. He promise you in is word.
Many of God's people never have any confidence before him because they never received the revelation of his goodness. When you know someone is good and kind, you truth him and have confidence when you approach him for something you need.
" beloved if your hearts condemned us not, then have we confidence toward God. And whatsoever we ask, we received of him...."(1john3:21:22)
"For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he" proverbs23:7a.
As a man thinks in his heart, so is he if you have wrong impression of God, you will expect the wrong thing from God- judgement, punishment, and withholding of what you are asking for in prayer. And that what you will get also. Not that it was God that gave them to you. But the devil always take opportunity of our ignorance.
"According to your faith be it unto you" (Matthew 9:29). Many believer's have the wrong attitude and concept of God- who he is and how he operates in their lives. I'm not saying that people have it wrong all wrong. But they get things miss-up in there theology. And Satan has laid a hold of that misunderstanding by keeping them from receiving the fullness of what God has provide for them through Jesus.
Some could be tempted to ask that I think God in the old testament smotes people with sickness and plagues? Though it's such a large thought. But the 28 chapter of Deuteronomy. Should forever settle it in your mind for all who choose to believe the word of God. The first 14 verses of Deuteronomy 28, list the blessings of God and the last 53 verses list the curses of God. Healing is listed as a blessing (deut28:4) sickness is listed as a curse (deut28:22,27-28,59-61) God called sickness a curse. We shouldn't call it a blessing.
But in (Gal3:13) "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree" the lord would no more put sickness on a new testament believer, because he has being redeemed (buy back) from the curse of the law.
Today in our Mist's there are cult's which have invoke the law of faith. They have forcefully move into the faith realm. Using the power of the lower sphere for material benefits.
These metaphysical cults operate under various name's such as. Coueism, new thought, truth and the Rosicrucianism. Through taking advantage of the power of the mind are able to accomplished certain mental cures and financial success.
Yet the lord Jesus Christ has offered the church what this cults can't offer and a thousand time more. But why Satan permit is followers to teach their followers that they can have an abundance of material things-health, happiness and prosperity.
He has deceived Christian's into believing the right opposite. That God make them sick, that they must suffer diseases for his glory, and that they must go through life in grinning poverty.
Jesus Christ not only has promised life more abundantly in this time. But in the world to come, life everlasting. He has get men to believed that God controls everything that happened to us. That nothing can happened but what God wills or allow.
Which is not what the scriptures teach at all 2peter3:9 said, "the lord is....not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." This personally mean that it is not the will of God that any should perish, but people are perishing. Relatively few are save compare to that which is lost.
James 4:7 says "submit yourselves therefore to God Resist the devil, and he will flesh from you" this verse makes it clear that some things are from God, and some from the devil, we must summit to the things that are of God and resists the things that of the devil.
If a person really believed that God is the one who put sickness on them because, he is trying to work something for good in their life, then they shouldn't have to to the doctor or take any pill. Going to a doctor or taking any medicine should be resisting God's plan. They should let the sickness run it's full course on them. Thereby getting the full benefits of God's correction. Of course no one advocates that.
The great harm the devil can do to any person is to get you believe that God is against you. "Act 10:38 says That Jesus healed all those who were oppressed of the Devil. It wasn't God who oppressed anybody with sickness and all those evil stuff. It's the devil. Its the same today sickness is from the devil. Not from God. We need to resist sickness and by faith summit ourselves to the healing power of God.
It is important to know that God loves you. And has Good in mind for you. A wrong picture has been planted for thousand of years. All over the world, confused and misguided people have offered up sacrifices trying to please one " Angly God" even today it's may surprise you to discover that people are still doing things trying to turn what they think is God's anger from them.
People talk as if the God will served is angry and vengeful. They speak as if there problem is God. If anything happened to them they are sure God is thumping them on the head because they got out of line; or he is giving them headache in there life to teach them something. But all that are far from the truth.
"His divine power hath given unto us all things that pertains unto life and Godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue" (2peter1:3)
God said all things that pertain unto life and Godliness. Did you know that includes healing, joy, deliverance, prosperity, and anything Good you can "imagine that result from our redemption! These all things that pertain to life and Godliness " come through "the knowledge of him" if you have wrong knowledge about God you are not going to receive the all things.
If only people look at the word and discover the Goodnews, they would have a right perspective of God. Everything we received from God we receive by faith. And nothing is more faith building than discovering and knowing that our heavenly father is a love God.
"Whosoever confesses that Jesus is the son of God, God abides in him. And he in God. And we have come to know and have believed the love which God have for us. God his love, and the one who abides in love abides in God" (1john4:15-16) we need to believe it. To believe means "to have firm faith in something; to accept it as true genuine or real. To have an unshakable conviction of his Goodness. Has Christians we should have more than a mental understanding that God loves us. We should be firmly grounded in that love. We should know that God is more willing to keep us safe in any situation.
An here to tell you that the more you get to know the Goodness of God. The easier it is for you to receive all the good thing. He promise you in is word.
Many of God's people never have any confidence before him because they never received the revelation of his goodness. When you know someone is good and kind, you truth him and have confidence when you approach him for something you need.
" beloved if your hearts condemned us not, then have we confidence toward God. And whatsoever we ask, we received of him...."(1john3:21:22)
"For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he" proverbs23:7a.
As a man thinks in his heart, so is he if you have wrong impression of God, you will expect the wrong thing from God- judgement, punishment, and withholding of what you are asking for in prayer. And that what you will get also. Not that it was God that gave them to you. But the devil always take opportunity of our ignorance.
"According to your faith be it unto you" (Matthew 9:29). Many believer's have the wrong attitude and concept of God- who he is and how he operates in their lives. I'm not saying that people have it wrong all wrong. But they get things miss-up in there theology. And Satan has laid a hold of that misunderstanding by keeping them from receiving the fullness of what God has provide for them through Jesus.
Some could be tempted to ask that I think God in the old testament smotes people with sickness and plagues? Though it's such a large thought. But the 28 chapter of Deuteronomy. Should forever settle it in your mind for all who choose to believe the word of God. The first 14 verses of Deuteronomy 28, list the blessings of God and the last 53 verses list the curses of God. Healing is listed as a blessing (deut28:4) sickness is listed as a curse (deut28:22,27-28,59-61) God called sickness a curse. We shouldn't call it a blessing.
But in (Gal3:13) "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree" the lord would no more put sickness on a new testament believer, because he has being redeemed (buy back) from the curse of the law.
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