Religious people has taught us that at some point during the past 2,000 years Jesus changed. But the word let us understand that Jesus remains the same has he was in the four gospels. We can still see a Jesus who his easily entreated. The people who came to him at the dusty road of Galilee did not have to struggle and convinced him to help them. We see him healing and delivering people at every turn.
God wants us to enjoy all of his benefits. The psalmist wrote about this in psalm 103v3 "bless the lord oh my soul, and forget not all thy benefits, who forgive all your iniquities who heals all your diseases"(nkjv)
God's word is full of blessings for us, but the only way we can take advantage of those benefits is to find out what the word Say's about those truth. And believed them. The blessings we don't know about or we forget to appropriate won't do us any Good.
All of God wonderful blessings and favours were all-ready secured for us in Christ Jesus. ".......the goodness of God endureth continually" (psalm52:1), "for the lord God is a sun and a shield: the lord will give grace and Glory: no good thing will he withhold from then that walk uprightly" (psalm84:11) God Goodness endureth continually it does not stop years back with the death of the apostles has some will try to have you believe.
Some have get us believe that God instead of healing is children when they come to him; he supposedly decide their sickness was teaching them something. Getting us believed believe that days of miracle has passed away. But the word says his "Goodness endues continually" continually! does not fad away. Instead it increase. God is not kind one day and harsh the next. "But after that the kindness and love of God our savior toward man appeared" (titus3:4) it has appeared in the person of Jesus Christ, in the healing of the sick, and the salvation of humanity and it endures forever.
"Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today and forever" (heb13:8)
"Great multitude followed him and he heal them all" (mt12:15)
"As many as touched him where made perfectly whole" (mt14:36)
James ask: is any sick among you? Any include you if you are sick.
Of those who where bitten by the fiery serpents, the bible says that as many as looked to the brazen serpent lived. Even now. As many as look to Christ Jesus as healer or the maintainer of the body still get it done. Sometimes parents shows favoritism among their children but God does not. THE BENFIT OF CHRIST REDEEMTION IS FOR ALL.
as a parent, when you see your child sick, unhappy or hunting. You would giveup anything to get relief for him. Your heart yearns for that. So and far above is the heart of God and our lord . "for we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities: but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.(heb4:15)
The Greek word translated infirmities in vines concordance is " lack of strength " God yearn for you to received your strength freely. Sickness rob us strength but Jesus Christ is the haealer.
Easy to received
Back then when Jesus was walking on the earth, Jesus would just be going from one place to another, and the crowd with faith in their heart and in there mouth. Where receiving whatever there need is. Has simple has that.
"And there came a leper to him, beseeching him, and kneeling down to him, and saying unto him, if thou wilt. Thou can't make me clean. (Mark1:40)
Among those who sought healing from Christ during is earthly ministry. This was the only candidate that was not certain about God's willingness to healed. He was an outcast leper. And he doesn't know what God's will was concerning her cleansing. " and Jesus, was moved with compassion, put forth his hand, and touch him, I will be thou clean" (v:41) the first thing Jesus did was to correct this uncertainty by assuring him I will. Jesus will always healed all that come to him in faith.
You can also see that about blind bartimaeus. The bible says he was sitting by the way side begging one day when Jesus came walking by: "and when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out, and say, Jesus thou son of David, have mercy on me. And many charged him that he should hold is peace: but he cried the more a great deal, thou son of David have mercy on me" (mark10:47-48) look what happened till when bartimaeus cried out: "and Jesus stood still and commanded him to be called" (v:49) that always the way Jesus is. No matter what he was doing. When a person cried out in faith, Jesus would stop and minister to that person. He's still that way at the call of faith today all of heaven move to answer that prayer.
When they brought bartimaeus to Jesus. Did you know what he said? Jesus ask him, "what Wilt thou that I should do unto thee?" The blind man answered that I might receive my sight. And Jesus said unto him go your way your faith hath made thee whole. And immediately he received his sight. And followed on the way " (v51:52) isn't that easy? Jesus ask him what he wanted, he answered. Jesus did it.
Who heals all your diseases
God's benefit of healing is for every body. But a lot of Christian don't get healed because he or she hasn't taken time to found out what God says in his word about healing. They have either forgotten about the benefit or they don't know about it.
Then there are some who knows all about the doctrine of healing. They can quote isaiah53:4&5,Matthew 8:17, and first peter2:24 but the problem is they are not acting on the word.
If we are waiting on God to rain down showers of healing on us. Means we have forgotten to act on scriptures that said he has already healed us! For example first peter(nkjv) Says, "by whose stripes you were healed" it is already done fact, we just have to believe it and act on it.
Healing is a benefit of our redemption in Christ Jesus "bless the lord, O my soul and forget not all it's benefits.....who heal all your diseases" (psalm105:1-3)
Some are waiting on God, but it's unscriptural to Wait on him to give all your benefits you can come to his throne of grace with faith in your heart and in your mouth and get it for yourself.
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