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relationship with God

The majority of churches are teaching that God's love for us is conditional. They are misrepresenting his love, and it's one of the main reasons that we as Christians are so judgemental. And harsh toward other people, they tend to treat other people the way  they believe God is  treating them.
     One of the most important things about relationship is to understand the person with whom you're going to have relationship with. And that also applies
To God. You need to understand the basic nature and character of God. In order to have a healthy relationship with him. Misunderstanding his character and nature is one reason many people don't have a relationship with God.

"Thou, art worthy. O lord, to received glory honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pressure they are and were created" (Rev4:1)

      God's purpose for creation was to give God pressure, and that still his purpose. Adam and eve were created for fellowship with God, he wanted someone to love  and for them to voluntary love him back.

     But the church has wrongly came to believe that God loves us and act on our behalf base on our performance.  Therefore we then hold others base to the same standard- our love for them is in direct proportion to their works,  and how they treat us. But that is far from the truth. God created us for pleasure.  We are "human being" not "human doing" God's love isn't tie on what we do for him.

     "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8)
       God loves you at your worst, his love has never been or never will it be conditional. Am not saying that God love all your ways, but he love you has person.

This is exactly what happened in the Garden of Eden, when Adam and eve were tempted by the serpent. They entered into temptation, ultimately disobeyed God, and plunged the whole human race. Into sin. Their lack of understanding God's nature was actually a part of the temptation.

   The story in Genesis3:1-5 is familiar to most people: "now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the lord God had made. And he said unto the woman. Yea, hath God said, ye shall not eat of every  tree of the garden: but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden. God hath said, ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. And the serpent said unto the woman, ye shall not surely die for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened,  and ye shall be as Gods [God] knowing Good and evil." There is a subtle statement by Satan here, that God is really not a Good God. That he was trying to withhold something from Adam and eve,..... That he didn't want then to be like himself.......and that the reason he made the rule about not eating of the tree of knowledge of Good and evil was to hinder or hurt them, in a sense, Satan come against the very nature and character of God. When he maligned them by saying, God didn't want the best for them. The Same thing is exactly what happened to people today.

Since we have know that , was doubt on whom God really is that the devil use to get the first humans on earth to rebel against God . getting to know God should be a priority for you and me.

     "This is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ ....."(john17:3) what is eternal life? That we might! Know what? know all the financial tycoon's and there net-wought? No. What is it? TO KNOW THE FATHER AND HIS SON JESUS CHRIST.  Many people think that everlasting life is living forever, well everybody live forever. It's misconception to think that when someone dies they cease to exist. When someone dies the spirit and the soul go back to God. To face a righteous judgement depend what what you have believed. The body. Decay in the grave. The truth is, every person who ever lived on the earth will continue to live in spirit form. So not say that eternal life is living forever isn't the whole truth.

      The real purpose of salvation isn't living forever in heaven, as great as that will be, the real purpose of salvation is to have intimacy- a personal relationship with the lord God. There are many people who has cried out for forgiveness of sins but has never have intimacy has there goal. They just wanna do anything to escape hell. But that foolish.

     " for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him shouldn't perish but has everlasting life"(john3:16). As true has this is, this verse is saying. The real purpose of Jesus Christ to this earth and dying for us was so that we could have everlasting life,  it just so appeared that our sin was a barrier that stood between us and eternal life.

    Jesu came to bring you back into close. Personal relationship with him. Jesus love you. Jesus want you to know him personally. That's why on the cross he deal with all our sin problem. Since our iniquity was what separate us from the father. "But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made high by the blood of Christ. For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us." (Ephesians 2:13-14).

    Sin was what create that wall between us and God. But Jesus sacrifice has broken it down. That why God want to give this life that is greater than anything  you could obtained through any source.

    Jesus sacrifice on the cross doesn't only effect our eternal destinies so that we can lives forever in heaven and escape hell punishment but also came to deliver us from this present evil world. (Gal1:4). that why  with the same stripes he bore our sin with that same stripes he also bore our sickness. Jesus sacrifice doesn't only effect our spiritual state but also our  physical has well.

      Jesus put it this way in john 10:10 "the thief[speaking of Satan] commeth not, but for to steal, and kill and to destroy; I am come that you might have life and have it more abundantly"  God want to give you that eternal life and abundance life.  And I believe that you need that today. Christ die not only to forgive sin but to bring us closer to him so that we can have this intimacy. Adam lost intimacy with God when they lost the life that was in them. And in 1john5:12 Jesus said "he that hath the son hath life; and he that hath not the son hath not life"

And if you has not made any commitment to make Jesus the lord of your life now can be a perfect opportunity. Just what you have to do what's written in 2cor10:9&10 it with the heart you believe to righteousness and with mouth you confess unto also. And what we you confess? Just to confess Jesus has the lord over your life. That he die and rose again from the death. And if you are really below is it.


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