Fourth of July in the USA celebrates one kind of freedom. But this certainly not the only way freedom can be defined. How would you define it? That might be very difficult from someone else's definition.
"Your time is your most valuable assets"
Most of us spend more than half of our working hours working or doing work-related activities. That's a lot of time? And if you aren't unhappy at work, were you spend at least 50% of your time, them it will be very difficult to find fulfilment in your life unfortunately most of us don't Know how to create careers that bring us wealth and happiness.
What is freedom
According to merian - Webster: the concept of freedom can include these two aspects.
*The absence of necessity, coercion, or constraints in choice or action (in other words, a lack of enforced or limited behavior)
*Liberation from slavery or restraint or from power of another (alternatively expressed as Independence).
Although similar in some respects these two definictions do have gradations of meaning that differ somewhat. The second definition could be described as related to more extreme conditions (limited of freedom) than the first one, in any case, they both have relevance in terms of opening up possibilities for a brighter future for the individual than he or she has previously been experiencing.
There are more effective way to construct an carear as disruptions of all knids increase the level of uncertainty most of us face rather than what we have been taught to think about career through the lens of the "ladder model" where you start on one rung, on one track, and keep climbing until retirement. This method has long pass is expiration date.
This new method is the mosaic career, with the mosaic model, we shift our working world's from a singularly focused track, based on a central skill set, to a composition of talents creativity, skills and values that center around a common theme or series of themes.
But if you are reluctance to give up the ladder model let show you reasons you should.
1. A job is no longer a job:
The trend toward freelance work has been increasing immersely in the last decade and a half. In Europe, since 2010. More than half of the new jobs created have been freelance or contract work. It is expected that in the US by 2020, freelance and contract workers will make up 40% of the economy.
2. Lower costs: utility costs equipment, insurance, and running the business from office building has become too expensive, if the profit is insufficient, jobs can fail because of the accumulation of these costs, freelancers, on the other hand, almost have no additional costs then can started by just registering at freelancing sites like Fiverr, ofest, freelancer and upwork. When when the get harder time they have no problem to overcome the crisis with toast and soup from the pouch.
3. The ladder game: there are no more one-track careers. Long gone are the days when we could expect to enter one company, and climb a singular ladder to retirement with a 35 years later. The average number or expected jobs in a lifetime has jumbed from one to twenty to well over twenty, according to some research.
4. At the time of fast living: it is hard to synchronize family and work life easier are many flexible working hours? When you're a freelancer, you can organize your working time as you want, whether it's morning, afternoon or evening. Convenient is that in this way you can work some other jobs too. of course, if you can manage all obligations.
5.easy to start: the claim that small business are more maneuverable than traditional companies is largely proven. For the time that tree company's collegium spends in decision on researching an excellent business opportunity,. Freelancer will decide, gather a few colleagues and quickly start with realization, freelancers are accustomed to receiving the blows, if the job stops or does not reach success they can try something completely new and different tomorrow. Not next year.
6. Excellent opportunity for advancement: if you are hard-working, smart and have the knowledge and skills, very quickly will advance both professionally and financially. Freelancing offers great opportunities a variety of activities and a large numbers of employment who need good worker's.
Perhaps one of the biggest advantages of freelance jobs is that you take a vacation whenever you want and of course if you want you can work on holidays while this not the case with office work.
I've known people who stayed in a bad job situation longer than they should have, either because they felt trapped and helpless or because they kept thinking something would get better over time-even though they weren't doing anything to achieve that result. It can be hard to face the reality of such a situation and stop fooling yourself that it's going to magically change on it's own.
How do you build a freelance carear
Carear fulfilment is borne out of taking a few steps back and asking ourselves how will want to uses our lives, what to create in the world, and how we want to contribute to our society. By answering these questions, we develop a core set of values (i.e freedom, adventure, stability, connection, intellectual challenges etc) upon which we build our professional paths, and against which we measure every single opportunity that we create, you must ask yourself, "is this opportunity helping me fulfil on only one or two of my values, or am I able to realize nine out of ten.
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